THIRDT PART: Theoretical and conceptual models; roughly explained...  

Chapter VI

The contents of our experiences express the behavior of non-linear waves interacting, and giving rise to these main dynamics known as resonance and derived harmonics. Almost everything within our phenomenology contents can be explained by this model. Also, the fact that our phenomenology behaves as a whole and that there’s utter interconnectivity between all the parts that integrate the experience is enough evidence of the field nature of consciousness…hence it explains the holistic fashion in which our experience works.

“Our visual experience as a volumetric diorama representing 2-D retinal stimuli; Harmonic & resonance theory; Second part: Steven Lehar Scrutiny”

The phenomenon of hallucinations and dreams demonstrates the innate capacity of the brain to construct vivid structures of experience, such as entire volumetric worlds. Resonance is all over the place when you’re studying phenomenology, it is everywhere, it is obvious that is the principle in which our experience is rendered.

It is not a coincidence, resonant standing waves appear a great number of times throughout the animal kingdom, such as in the beautiful and diverse patterns seen on the skin of various animals, especially mammals and insects. The structure and physiology of the brain also indicates the existence of this phenomena continuously happening within it.

Induced states of mind by drug intoxication like psychedelics, deep states of meditation, dreams, even subtle details in our common everyday life experiences resonance shows itself in a quite natural manner. Steven Lehar, as a rational psychonaut, explains the depth quality of volumetric visual experiences similar to dioramas, with resonance. Principle attributed to three-dimensional waves moving through a spatial medium, that as I interpreted, reflects itself into some features of our conscious experience.

Explaining optical illusion such as gestalt images, and how the brain is enabled to find the most simple interpretation from a huge array or alternatives almost instantaneously, when any other computer —at least created by man— can do that kind of operations. That is a sign that the brain is utilizing this principle as a low level function, it comes out naturally from the brain.

As I have mentioned before, we now must think of neurons as antennas emitting useful radiation instead of merely rough bridges exchanging packages of information —neuron doctrine—. So, in essence, are those waves traveling and interacting with each other between neurons that actually correspond with our phenomenology, our experiences.

Andrés (The head of Qualia Research Institute) says that these waves are “sand-blasting” the electromagnetic field, and raising qualia values. Which creates speculation about the possible correlation of qualia with electromagnetic field distortions -congruent with the electromagnetic theory of consciousness-.

*Neuron’s radiation…*

Steven Lehar proposed that what makes an experience unified or not, is defined by those standing waves that become resonant with one another, so, this principle grants functional unitary systems for free, it seems to be only true for something that Andrés call as “local binding”, and is essentially the reason why colors are sticked or “pasted” on shapes. That would be the main reason why within our experience some qualities come together, such as I already mentioned, color and shape, so they can construct a coherent model of what it seeks to represent.

So, what Andrés is saying is that resonance is able to explain the “local-binding problem”, but not the “binding problem” that refers to the entire unity, and holistic-field properties of our experience, so, his suggestion to solve it is through topological segmentation.

Topological pockets; the origins of individuality?:

This means that our unified experiences are literally closed pockets within the field of physics. The huge underlying field of qualia becomes divided into new segmented parts, giving rise to…in a sense, new entities or beings. Andrés is also saying that if you make this pocket vibrate, you will get its own resonant modes, thus which allow the pocket to behave as a unit, and evolution was needing something like that so it got it thru this method. Holistic computation is the best and cheapest option that you can choose. Thus that would explain why it is too cheap and easy for our brains to render our human experience.

So, consciousness is in fact a THING, not a process. You can do computation with it, because of its intrinsic and useful properties to implement intelligent systems. So, when we are talking about consciousness, we are actually referring to the field of physics, precisely the electromagnetic Field, that is the thing on which all of these gorgeous operations are being made with, so, consciousness is at the implementation level of Analysis. Therefore, an algorithm or computational operation can be conscious or not, depending on the way you’re implementing them.

So, we ultimately can’t rely just on the inputs and outputs of a machine, because there’s essentially a lot of ways of performing computation that are highly different from each, but can anyway generate the same behavior or outcomes. Maybe we can build a robot that behaves exactly as a human, but it can’t be conscious, lacking the presence of any kind of “inner movie”happening inward. Besides, that kind of feat, with traditional computation, would be really complicated, and expensive —in terms of energy—.

Our brains, only with the energy produced by a potato, can run our complex and deep world simulations, basically our entire human experience! The brain is NOT able to do the same job without using consciousness, as I said lately there has to be an energy minimum reason of why consciousness is optimal to make operations related to perception; if consciousness wasn’t advantageous we wouldn’t be here in the first place. If evolution had found a better way to perceive the world using less resources, energy and time than consciousness, it would have already found it, because evolution is really good at solving puzzles. So, consciousness has to be the best way to do all of this.

So, returning to the main idea, what’s happening is that the brain is basically pinching the EM field to give rise to a bound experience, and therefore use its “holistic” properties.

Trying to give an answer to the question: “ARE WE brains?, or, do WE HAVE brains?

Andrés was talking about local field potentials in one of his podcasts, and how they’re strongly related to consciousness. Under this kind of observation we could conclude that our phenomenology is actually having a causal power within the brain, and essentially is biasing the neuronal network activity. So, it is quite right to say that our conscious experience is directly influencing the way in which we interact with the world, and even how we conceptualize it, and how we talk about it.

So therefore, consciousness is not epiphenomenal in any way, and it could make a lot of sense in the end, I mean, is obvious that we do whatever we do because of qualia, our world simulation is made of qualia, and that model is having on-line power over the whole body. Our sensory qualia-representation avatars are actually leading the physical behavior of the huge machinery we call physical bodies. Is obvious that our pleasure and suffering have an important role in everything we do as a society, and how we eventually talk about those features of experience with others.

We are essentially fields, so, we are not even physical matter, we are the electromagnetic field that is being shaped by the complex neuronal grid structure of the brain. Think of neurons as the shape of a river, they determine the way in which water passes (with water I’m referring to consciousness), but also the flux of water itself can gradually change the shape of the river, so there’s an influence from both sides. There’s constant feedback between consciousness (the EM field) and the brain’s matrix. Our conscious experiences have a vibrational physical structure, so this makes complete sense.

And because of that, it would be quite true saying “I have a brain” instead of “I’m a brain”, and it is something weird because I think that we as humans have been feeling or groping this (perhaps through phenomenological observation) for a very long time since we began to be rational entities. Basically, that would be the main implicit reason why we think or feel we are souls; that we’re another kind of “ethereal” entity inhabiting the bodies we look at every single day in the mirror, I mean, that kind of transcendental thoughts or feelings humans usually have. The strange feeling of dissociation, or leaving the body, could be key but implicit signs that we’re something somewhere else.

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